Selling Tips

We've all watched the make-over programmes on TV. We know the advice they give but does it really make a difference in the current market? Our experience tells us that the answer is an unqualified YES.
The difference between doing little or nothing to prepare your home for sale and following advice and making sure that the presentation is just right can be many thousands of £s in the price achieved.
Be objective - pretend you are a viewer
Go outside and check your house's kerb appeal - tidy garden, weed free drive, well painted gate, front door and windows and are there some flowers in a bed or a tub to soften things? If not action is required.
Now for indoors. The hall, lounge, kitchen, main bedroom and bathroom are the important rooms.
Think minimalism and remove all unnecessary ornaments, furniture, videos etc. Borrow a friend's garage or spare room. Pay particular attention to the kitchen - clear the work surfaces and get rid of the dog's bed or cat's litter tray. Toiletries and potions cluttering up the bathroom must go too.
Create a sense a light and space by re-decorating using white or pastel colours - creams and yellows are best.
Spick 'n' span
Clean everything in sight, including the windows and again pay particular attention to the kitchen and bathroom. In the garden try to achieve a well tended look and if you have a patio put the garden furniture on it and a tub of flowers.
At viewing times make sure the house is warm and well lit. Scented candles help to neutralise food and animal smells and create a pleasant atmosphere in the evenings.
Depending on the type of property you have be ready to answer questions on local amenities, schools, transport etc.
Selling Agents
Your home is now ready for sale and you need a good agent to ensure you get the best price. Not all agents are the same.
Check out what we have to offer on our
Estate Agency Services page.